Incident na Lejver kupu: Navijač se zapalio pred Đokovićem i društvom FOTO
23.09.2022. | 18:04Bizarna scena viđena je tokom singl meča između Stefanosa Cicipasa i Dijega Švarcmana na “Lejver kupu” u Londonu.
Naime, jedan od aktivista u borbi protiv klimatskih promjena pobjegao je obezbjeđenju, ušao na teniski teren i zapalio sopstvenu ruku u znak protesta.
Na njegovoj majici mogle su se samo pročitati prve tri riječi:
Bizarre moment here as a protester sets his own arm on fire on the court. Lying on the ground now backstage just outside the media toilets after being apprehended by security. His white t-shirt was halfway up his chest so could only see the first three words: "End UK private…"
— Stuart Fraser (@stu_fraser) September 23, 2022